When i try to configure security through the admin console of Websphere it just hangs.
Its at the last step of the below 4 steps
Step 1: Specify extent of protection
Step 2: Select user repository
Step 3: Configure user repository
Step 4: Summary
Here are the extracts from my console [26/09/08 13:50:56:539 IST] 0000001f ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [/com.ibm.ws.console.security/EnableSecurity.jsp]: Initialization successful. [26/09/08 13:50:58:616 IST] 0000001f ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [/com.ibm.ws.console.security/SelectRegistry.jsp]: Initialization successful. [26/09/08 13:51:00:126 IST] 0000001f ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [/com.ibm.ws.console.security/ConfigureRegistry.jsp]: Initialization successful. [26/09/08 13:51:00:126 IST] 0000001f ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [/com.ibm.ws.console.security/LocalRegistry.jsp]: Initialization successful. [26/09/08 13:51:36:202 IST] 0000001f ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [isclite] [/ibm/console] [/com.ibm.ws.console.security/ConfirmEnableSecurity.jsp]: Initialization successful. [26/09/08 13:52:20:255 IST] 0000001f UserRegistryI A SECJ0136I: Custom Registry:com.ibm.ws.security.registry.nt.NTLocalDomainRegistryImpl has been initialized [26/09/08 13:52:21:025 IST] 0000001f UserRegistryI A SECJ0136I: Custom Registry:com.ibm.ws.security.registry.nt.NTLocalDomainRegistryImpl has been initialized [26/09/08 14:04:03:127 IST] 00000019 ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W: Thread "WebContainer : 2" (0000001f) has been active for 746076 milliseconds and may be hung. There is/are 1 thread(s) in total in the server that may be hung.
Any idea what could be up here?
Thanks Damien