Hi I Got a notnull function for a text field as below
private function valStringNotNull( val:String ) :Boolean
if ( String(val).length <= 0 )
_errorCode = "StringNull";
return false;
_errorCode = "NoError";
return true;
and this function is being called here
var pCnt:Number = 0;
_validateParams[pCnt++] = { type: "notNull", input: win.firstNameInput , isSendData:true, dataName:"firstName"};
_validateParams[pCnt++] = { type: "notNull", input: win.lastNameInput, isSendData:true, dataName:"lastName"};
_validateParams[pCnt++] = { type: "noValidation", input: roleCombo, isSendData:true, dataName:"role" };
and for the not null I defined this way
private function validateCases ( param:Object ) :Boolean
_errorObj = param.input || param.input1;
switch( param.type )
case "notNull":
return valStringNotNull( param.input.text );
but as you see as I defined the length should be greater than zero its taking even a space as an input and displaying blank white space in my text field so I got a trim function as below
public function ltrim(input:String):String
var size:Number = input.length;
for(var i:Number = 0; i < size; i++)
if(input.charCodeAt(i) > 32)
return input.substring(i);
return "";
and I need to call this trim function before my not null function so that it trims off all the leftside white space but as I am very new to flash can some one help me how to keep this trim function before the notnull function.Can some one please help me with this please