




Hi I Got a notnull function for a text field as below

private function valStringNotNull( val:String ) :Boolean
     if ( String(val).length <= 0 )
      _errorCode = "StringNull";
      return false;

     _errorCode = "NoError";
     return true;

and this function is being called here

var pCnt:Number = 0;
  _validateParams[pCnt++] = { type: "notNull",  input: win.firstNameInput , isSendData:true, dataName:"firstName"};
  _validateParams[pCnt++] = { type: "notNull",  input: win.lastNameInput, isSendData:true, dataName:"lastName"};
  _validateParams[pCnt++] = { type: "noValidation", input: roleCombo, isSendData:true, dataName:"role" };


and for the not null I defined this way

private function validateCases ( param:Object ) :Boolean
  _errorObj = param.input || param.input1;
  switch( param.type )
                 case "notNull":
    return valStringNotNull( param.input.text );

but as you see as I defined the length should be greater than zero its taking even a space as an input and displaying blank white space in my text field so I got a trim function as below

public function ltrim(input:String):String
     var size:Number = input.length;
     for(var i:Number = 0; i < size; i++)
      if(input.charCodeAt(i) > 32)
       return input.substring(i);
     return "";

and I need to call this trim function before my not null function so that it trims off all the leftside white space but as I am very new to flash can some one help me how to keep this trim function before the notnull function.Can some one please help me with this please


Why not just change valStringNotNull() as follows?

private function valStringNotNull( val:String ) :Boolean
    if ( String(ltrim(val)).length <= 0 )
            _errorCode = "StringNull";
            return false;

    _errorCode = "NoError";
    return true;
John Lemberger
sorry this is stackoverflow is trimming off the spaces right now its displaying NAME:------John but I need some thing like NAME:John chopping the extra white spaces please consider "-" as a white space and please help me