



I have a class with many embedded assets.

Within the class, I would like to get the class definition of an asset by name. I have tried using getDefinitionByName(), and also ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition() but neither work.


public class MyClass
  [Embed(source="images/image1.png")] private static var Image1Class:Class;
  [Embed(source="images/image2.png")] private static var Image2Class:Class;
  [Embed(source="images/image3.png")] private static var Image3Class:Class;

  private var _image:Bitmap;

  public function MyClass(name:String)
    var ClassDef:Class = getDefinitionByName(name) as Class;  //<<-- Fails
    _image = new ClassDef() as Bitmap;    

var cls:MyClass = new MyClass("Image1Class");
+1  A: 

This doesn't answer your question, but it may solve your problem. I believe doing something like this should work:

public class MyClass
  [Embed(source="images/image1.png")] private static var Image1Class:Class;
  [Embed(source="images/image2.png")] private static var Image2Class:Class;
  [Embed(source="images/image3.png")] private static var Image3Class:Class;

  private var _image:Bitmap;

  public function MyClass(name:String)
    _image = new this[name]() as Bitmap;    

var cls:MyClass = new MyClass("Image1Class");

I'm having a tough time remembering if bracket notation works on sealed classes. If it doesn't, a simple solution is to mark the class as dynamic.

Marc Hughes
Hey! Nice job, that worked!

You don't need to use any fancy getDefinitionByName() methods, simply refer to it dynamically. In your case, replace the 'Fails' line with:

var classDef:Class = MyClass[name] as Class;

And that should do it.


Thank you so much! I just spent almost 5 hours trying to get the POS getDefinitionByName to work with the getQualifiedClassName that I was ready to throw stuff!! My final working code looks like this and even gets the string name from an array.

CreatureParam is a 2 dimentional array of strings;

Type is an integer that is sent to flash by HTML tag which is turn comes from a MYSQL database via PHP.

Mark1_cb is a combobox that is on the stage and has an instance name. It's output is also an integer.

So this code directly below imports the class "BirdBodyColor_mc" from an external swf "ArtLibrary.swf". BirdBodyColor_mc is a movieclip created from a png image. Note you must double click on the movieclip in the ArtLibrary.fla and insert a second key frame. Movieclips apparently need two frames or flash tries to import it as a sprite and causes a type mismatch.

[Embed(source="ArtLibrary.swf", symbol="BirdBodyColor_mc")] var BirdBodyColor_mc:Class;

Normally I would put an instance of this movieclip class on the stage by using this code.

myMC:MovieClip = new BirdBodyColor_mc(); addChild(myMC);

var Definition:Class = this["BirdBodyColor_mc"] as Class; var Mark1:MovieClip = new Definition();

But I need to do this using a string value looked up in my array. So here is the code for that.

var Definition:Class = this[CreatureParam[Type][Mark1_cb + 2]] as Class; var Mark1:MovieClip = new Definition();