Dependency injection is a useful technique but what approach is recommended when faced with runtime dependencies?
e.g. Say you want to glue an event to an event processor depending on the type of the event and the user who initiated the request.
public interface Event {}
public interface EventProcessor {
public void handleEvent(Event e);
class EventProcessorFactory {
private final User u;
private final Event e;
public EventProcessorFactory(User u, Event e) {
this.u = u;
this.e = e;
public EventProcessor get() {
EventProcessor ep;
if(e instanceof LocalEvent) {
ep = new LocalEventProcessor();
else if(e instanceof RemoteTriggeredEvent && u instanceof AdminUser) {
//has static dependencies
ep = new RemoteEventProcessor(u);
else {
ep = new DefaultEventProcessor();
Now the complexity is encapsulated in the factory, but how else could I achieve the same result, without too much boilerplate code?