A few observations before I post an example of how to rework that.
- Giving a class a plural name can lead to a lot of semantic issues when declaring new objects, as in this case you'd call Items.new, implying you're creating several items when in fact actually making one. Use the singular form for individual entities.
- Be careful when calling arbitrary methods, as you'll throw an exception on any misses. Either check you can call them first, or rescue from the inevitable disaster where applicable.
One way to approach your problem is to make a custom collection class specifically for Item objects where it can give you the information you need on names and such. For example:
class Item
attr_accessor :item_id, :name, :description, :rating
def initialize(options = { })
options.each do |k,v|
method = :"#{k}="
# Check that the method call is valid before making it
if (respond_to?(method))
self.send(method, v)
# If not, produce a meaningful error
raise "Unknown attribute #{k}"
class ItemsCollection < Array
# This collection does everything an Array does, plus
# you can add utility methods like names.
def names
collect do |i|
# Example
# Create a custom collection
items = ItemsCollection.new
# Build a few basic examples
:item_id => 1,
:name => 'Fastball',
:description => 'Faster than a slowball',
:rating => 2
:item_id => 2,
:name => 'Jack of Nines',
:description => 'Hypothetical playing card',
:rating => 3
:item_id => 3,
:name => 'Ruby Book',
:description => 'A book made entirely of precious gems',
:rating => 1
].each do |example|
items << Item.new(example)
puts items.names.join(', ')
# => Fastball, Jack of Nines, Ruby Book