I have some EJBs that use Hibernate to persist data to the database. I have a thick Swing client that talks to these EJBs. The client knows nothing about the database (no driver jar).
During one transaction a Hibernate ConstraintViolationException can be thrown. I catch all exceptions and wrap them in an EJBException like so:
catch(HibernateException e) {
throw new EJBException(e);
The problem I am getting is that when the exception is unmarshalled by the JBoss Invoker on the client side, a ClassNotFoundException is thrown (for PSQLException) since the client has no sql driver jar in the classpath.
I changed this application to always pass the caught exception to the ejbexception constructor like this so we could have a stack trace history. Now I am finding why the original developers didn't do this.
At this point I see two options - either include the postgres driver jar with the client, or remove passing the caught exception to the EJBException constructor. I am curious if anyone has any other suggestions and also how others handle exceptions in their EJBs?