





I am planning to implement a small-scale data acquisition system on an RTOS platform. (Either on a QNX or an RT-Linux system.)

As far as I know, these jobs are performed using C / C++ to get the most out of the system. However I am curious to know and want to learn some experienced people's opinions before I blindly jump into the coding action whether it would be feasible and wiser to write everything in Python (from low-level instrument interfacing through a shiny graphical user interface). If not, mixing with timing-critical parts of the design with "C", or writing everything in C and not even putting a line of Python code.

Or at least wrapping the C code using Python to provide an easier access to the system.

Which way would you advise me to work on? I would be glad if you point some similar design cases and further readings as well.

Thank you

NOTE1: The reason of emphasizing on QNX is due to we already have a QNX 4.25 based data acquisition system (M300) for our atmospheric measurement experiments. This is a proprietary system and we can't access the internals of it. Looking further on QNX might be advantageous to us since 6.4 has a free academic licensing option, comes with Python 2.5, and a recent GCC version. I have never tested a RT-Linux system, don't know how comparable it to QNX in terms of stability and efficiency, but I know that all the members of Python habitat and non-Python tools (like Google Earth) that the new system could be developed on works most of the time out-of-the-box.

+3  A: 

Our team have done some work combining multiple languages on QNX and had quite a lot of success with the approach. Using python can have a big impact on productivity, and tools like SWIG and ctypes make it really easy to optimize code and combine features from the different languages.

However, if you're writing anything time critical, it should almost certainly be written in c. Doing this means you avoid the implicit costs of an interpreted langauge like the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), and contention on many small memory allocations. Both of these things can have a big impact on how your application performs.

Also python on QNX tends not to be 100% compatible with other distributions (ie/ there are sometimes modules missing).

Andrew Walker
and python for QNX is hard to find in an up to date version... and not always easy to build for QNX
@Fuzz, 2.5 is on QNX 6.4.x, and if my memory serves me right PyQt 4 binaries should be somewhere on a third-party repository. I haven't seen a NumPy port as of yet, also haven't tried to build any library myself. I am sure lots of hacking would be needed to make some of them half working. That's why I consider using a RT-Linux solution over a QNX, but I need more input and sources on this.
Gökhan Sever
@Andrew, could you please give me some pointers of where to find such projects utilizing Python - C approach on a RTOS system? Apparently, this is somewhat hidden on the web, need to dig deeper or just take to the trial and error approach.
Gökhan Sever
The builds for python on QNX are provided and hosted by Crank software http://www.cranksoftware.com/downloads/. You'll get some good advice on OpenQNX, http://www.openqnx.com/, and at Foundary27 http://community.qnx.com/sf/sfmain/do/homeAs for getting started, it's pretty much dependent on what you're looking todo. We build cross platform, and so our use of QNX specific features is minimal. But if I could give one suggestion, make sure that if you've lots of time critical IO (via COM ports, custom hardware or IPC), make sure you do some prototyping to get your design right.
Andrew Walker
+5  A: 

I can't speak for every data acquisition setup out there, but most of them spend most of their "real-time operations" waiting for data to come in -- at least the ones I've worked on.

Then when the data does come in, you need to immediately record the event or respond to it, and then it's back to the waiting game. That's typically the most time-critical part of a data acquisition system. For that reason, I would generally say stick with C for the I/O parts of the data acquisition, but there aren't any particularly compelling reasons not to use Python on the non-time-critical portions.

If you have fairly loose requirements -- only needs millisecond precision, perhaps -- that adds some more weight to doing everything in Python. As far as development time goes, if you're already comfortable with Python, you would probably have a finished product significantly sooner if you were to do everything in Python and refactor only as bottlenecks appear. Doing the bulk of your work in Python will also make it easier to thoroughly test your code, and as a general rule of thumb, there will be fewer lines of code and thus less room for bugs.

If you need to specifically multi-task (not multi-thread), Stackless Python might be beneficial as well. It's like multi-threading, but the threads (or tasklets, in Stackless lingo) are not OS-level threads, but Python/application-level, so the overhead of switching between tasklets is significantly reduced. You can configure Stackless to multitask cooperatively or preemptively. The biggest downside is that blocking IO will generally block your entire set of tasklets. Anyway, considering that QNX is already a real-time system, it's hard to speculate whether Stackless would be worth using.

My vote would be to take the as-much-Python-as-possible route -- I see it as low cost and high benefit. If and when you do need to rewrite in C, you'll already have working code to start from.

Mark Rushakoff
I haven't used Stackless before, nor I have any idea about its integration with many core scientific tools. One of the reason that I want to stay with an RT-Linux is that it has all the Python tools and 2D / 3D visualization libraries working very well. However on the QNX side, lots of libraries are missing and I am sure making them work on QNX would take an immense amount of effort. Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated.
Gökhan Sever
Stackless only modifies an existing Python installation -- it replaces a couple core files that *shouldn't* affect any Python libraries. It moves away from using the C stack, but it shouldn't affect even libraries written in C that interface with Python. Play around with Stackless a little bit (really easy to install on Windows), see if it suits your needs. I haven't built Stackless from source, so I can't comment on any foreseen difficulties with QNX.
Mark Rushakoff
+3  A: 

Generally the reason advanced against using a high-level language in a real-time context is uncertainty -- when you run a routine one time it might take 100us; the next time you run the same routine it might decide to extend a hash table, calling malloc, then malloc asks the kernel for more memory, which could do anything from returning instantly to returning milliseconds later to returning seconds later to erroring, none of which is immediately apparent (or controllable) from the code. Whereas theoretically if you write in C (or even lower) you can prove that your critical paths will "always" (barring meteor strike) run in X time.

I agree with almost all of this, but critical path (and particularly worst case execution time) analysis in any language is a really horrible problem, and depends significantly on both hardware platform (caches, pipeline, branch predictors, page faults) and software (OS services, interrupts, blocking time). If timing is that critical Ada is probably essential
Andrew Walker
Yeah, take with as many grains of salt as you like. I think maybe my argument should be "if all of this stuff sounds like wacko nonsense to you, then you're not realtime enough to worry about what language you're writing in".
At this point no lower than C. and no intention of calling assembly opcodes from Python using a tool like CorePy. Time criticality is important, but not that important to switch me to use Ada.
Gökhan Sever

One important note: Python for QNX is generally available only for x86.

I'm sure you can compile it for ppc and other archs, but that's not going to work out of the box.
