



For a long time (about 10 years now), I have been mostly developing firmware and device drivers for protocols like USB, SCSI, Firewire, etc ... but recently (owing to many inexplainable reasons) had to switch to programming related to Image processing. I think it is fun, but I am feeling like a novice for sometimes now.

Now my question,

  1. Is there any recommended way to practice Image processing programming?

  2. I am studying the "Image processing book" by Gonzalez and woods
    Is their a better and a bit quicker way to learn Image processing related stuff ~~

  3. Finally, is their any future for Image processing related software development?
+3  A: 

Just wanted to confirm that the Gonzalez and Woods text is considered by many to be the fundamental literature on the subject. Its breadth will get you started on whatever you're working on, and its examples are very solid. I read it cover to cover and really learned a lot from it.

+1  A: 

A book "Java 2D Graphices" has a chapter involving image processing. I learn mine from that.
