Thank you for the great answers. No only one answer was really complete, so I'm writing here a combination of all answers that helped me. If you like this answer, please vote up the people who were responsible for this.
Unit tests (or at least unit tests in unittest
module) are binary. As Guilherme Chapiewski says: they will work or they will fail, there's no mid-term.
Thus, my conclusion is that unit tests are not exactly the right tool for this job. It seems that unit tests are more concerned about "keep everything working, no failure is expected", and thus I can't (or it's not easy) to have non-binary tests.
So, unit tests don't seem the right tool if I'm trying to improve an algorithm or an implementation, because unit tests can't tell me how better is one version when compared to the other (supposing both of them are correctly implemented, then both will pass all unit tests).
My final solution
My final solution is based on ryber's idea and code shown in wcoenen answer. I'm basically extending the default TextTestRunner
and making it less verbose. Then, my main code call two test suits: the critical one using the standard TextTestRunner
, and the non-critical one, with my own less-verbose version.
class _TerseTextTestResult(unittest._TextTestResult):
def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors):
for test, err in errors:"%s: %s" % (flavour,self.getDescription(test)))"%s" % err)
class TerseTextTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner):
def _makeResult(self):
return _TerseTextTestResult(, self.descriptions, self.verbosity)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.stderr.write("Running non-critical tests:\n")
non_critical_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestSomethingNonCritical)
sys.stderr.write("Running CRITICAL tests:\n")
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestEverythingImportant)
Possible improvements
It should still be useful to know if there is any testing framework with non-binary tests, like Kathy Van Stone suggested. Probably I won't use it this simple personal project, but it might be useful on future projects.