Say I had this piece of HTML for example:
<div id="gallery2" class="galleryElement">
<h2>My Photos</h2>
<div class = "imageElement">
<h3>@Embassy - VIP </h3>
<p><b>Image URL:</b>
<a href = "" target = "_blank"></a></p>
<a href = "" title = "open image" class = "open"></a>
<img src = "" class = "full"/>
<img src = "" class = "thumbnail"/>
<div class = "imageElement">
<h3>@Embassy - VIP </h3>
<p><b>Image URL:</b>
<a href = "" target = "_blank"></a></p>
<a href = "" title = "open image" class = "open"></a>
<img src = "" class = "full"/>
<img src = "" class = "thumbnail"/>
I nid to build the proper regex expression to parse each div class'ed as imageElement and store the contents (as text) in an array starting drom the opening <div class = "imageElement"> till it's ending div pair </div> Also, there really are spaces on class = "imageElement". So far the expression:
\<div class = "imageElement">[\s\S\d\D]*</div>
but it only gets the whole set of elements. Thanks in advance :p