Hello friendly Overflowers,
I have GNU R installed (the S-like statistics package; version 2.8.1) and PostgreSQL (8.4.1) but I cannot connect GNU R to my RDBMS.
When I first did this (years ago - code lost) DBI for R didn't exist. Now it does. I am also confused as to which R package to use. A quick search returns: - RPostgreSQL seems to be the most up-to-date - RPgSQL Looks abandoned. I wish they would put a date on their webpage. ;-(
My Linux distribution doesn't package R packages (irony) but I am comfortable running R CMD INSTALL package.tar.gz
. I installed RPostgreSQL: a lot of documentation says to call `dbConnect' but I get the following error message: "Error: object "dbConnect" not found".
Help me Stack Overflow. You're my only hope.