




often I need to work on projects that are hosted remotely. Currently if I have a good connection to the server then I'll SSH in and use vim directly. Otherwise I'll use Komodo Edit to work on the files remotely.

Komodo is a great IDE but unfortunately the remote server functionality sucks. For instance when you want to save a file it locks the interface until done. And if something goes wrong when connecting to the server then the interface will be locked indefinitely...

So, what are my options? How do you work productively on remotely hosted files over a slow connection? Ideally I would like an open source solution that runs on Linux with good support for editing Python and HTML.

EDIT: I also need to browse large project trees on the remote server to be productive.


+2  A: 


vim sftp://user@host//path/to/file

Note the double-slash after host! Single slash means relative to user's home directory, double-slash means absolute path. You can also use several other remote access protocols, such as scp and rsync.

Inside vim, run :help netrw for full documentation.

I need to switch between multiple files on the remote server. Usually I use NERDTree but it doesn't seem to work in this situation.
Running without the file, e.g., `vim sftp://user@host//path/to/`, will give a directory listing. Not as nice as NERDTree, but it may work.
+2  A: 

Emacs fits all of your stated requirements (open source, runs on Linux, good support for Python and HTML, can edit remote files). See Tramp.

sorry, but I never liked emacs
+1 I'm a vim user my self, but emacs could actually work as well here... (even if vim is better ;)
+1  A: 

I also say vim.

You can probably find some ideas here to speed up your work thou.

And don't forget to install a lot of useful plugins and make sure you have a good vimrc on the remote computer.
