




I have a big paragraph of text that is divided into subparagraphs with <br>'s:

  Blah blah blah.
  Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah.
  Blah blah blah.

I want to widen the gap between these subparagraphs, like there is two <br>'s or something like that. I know that the right way to do this is to use <p></p>, but right now I cannot change this layout, so I am looking for CSS-only solution.

I've tried setting <br>'s line-height and height with display: block, I also googled and stackoverflow-ed briefly, but did not find any solution. Is this even possible without changing the layout?

+5  A: 


you can apply line-height on that <p> element, so lines become larger.

Yeah, sure, but that is not what I want.
Well, that's the only option you have, unless you change your text markup ..
In what way would that differ from what you want? It will increase the space between the lines.
I have a little more than nine blah's in my text. Imagine several kilobytes of text, divided into three blocks with three <br>'s.
If you apply the line-height to the `<br>` tag, then the forced line breaks will be bigger than the wrapped line breaks...
Sounds more like you want three paragraphs rather than using <br/>
+5  A: 

As far as I know <br> does not have a height, it merely forces a line break. What you have is a text with some line breaks in addition to the auto-wrap ones, not subparagraphs. You can change the line spacing, but that will affect all lines.

Michael Borgwardt
It seems that there is really no way. I've even tried playing with :before and :after properties, but... :(

<br /> will take as much space as text-filled row of your <p>, you can't change that. If you want larger, it means you want to separate into paragraph, so add other <p>. Don't forget to be the most semantic you can ;)

Clement Herreman
+3  A: 

Michael and yoda are both right. What you can do is use the <p> tag, which, being a block tag, uses a bottom-margin to offset the following block, so you can do something similar to this to get bigger spacing:

    A block of text.
    Another block

Another alternative is to use the block <hr> tag, with which you can explicitly define the height of the spacing.

Thank you for your answer, but I've stated that I cannot change this layout right now. Of course, I will change it to something saner when it will be possible, but right now -- sorry.

you could also use the "block-quote" property in CSS. That would make it so it doesn't effect your individual lines but allows you to set parameters for just the breaks between paragraphs or "block quotes".

I stand corrected. "blockquote" is actually a html property. You use it just like < p > and < /p > around your work. You could then set the parameters for your block quote in css like

blockquote { margin-top: 20px }

Hope this helps. It is similar to setting the parameters on the br and may or may not be cross browser compatible.

This is the first time I ever heard of this property. Can you explain this in more detail, please?
I stand corrected. "blockquote" is actually a html property. You use it just like < p > and < /p > around your work. You could then set the parameters for your block quote in css like blockquote { margin-top: 20px } etc etc etc
i updated it for you up top.
+3  A: 


br {
   display: block;
   margin: 10px 0;

It's a very, very dirty solution (and probably not even cross-browser compatible), but it's something at least.

Other than that, I think you're stuck with a javascript solution.

Holy Polaris, Batman, it works!! Thanks a bunch, man!
This does NOT work in : IE7, Opera10, Chrome2. In Firefox, it creates the margin double-size. You need to specify `margin-top: 10px;`
Does anything work in IE7? ;)
Brett Ryan
-1 as not working in ie6 opera and chrome
+1  A: 

I haven't tried the :before/:after CSS2 pseudo-element before, mainly because it's only supported in IE8 (this concerning IE browsers). This could be the only possible CSS solution:

br:before {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 10px;
    content: "";

Here is an example on QuirksMode.

Yeah, I had high hopes for :before { content }; too, but it failed me.
Inject it somewhere, it should work. Alas, it doesn't work in IE6/7.

I had a thought that you might be able to use:

br:after {
    content: ".";
    visibility: hidden;
    display: block;

But that didn't work on chrome or firefox.

Just thought I'd mention that in case it occurred to anyone else and I'd save them the trouble.

Sam Lowry

The closest thing to br is div. you can use this:

<div style="margin-top:20px;" />

Define using CSS class

To make a general style, use class:

Style def:


Usage (replace your <br/> tags with this):

<div class="br" />

Define your own tag...

This does not work in IE7, but it works in FF, Chrome and Opera (not tested others)

Style def:


Usage (replace your <br/> tags with this):

<break />
I really appreciate your effort, but did you read my question? I think I said there that I cannot change my layout.
Well, I see that restructuring using `<p>` as some has proposed is a big job, but my answer can be done quite simple by just doing a global replace of the `<br/>` tags. If it is OK for you that it only works in Firefox, then the answer by Duroth that you accepted is the best.