



What is the equivalent of the backticks found in Ruby and Perl in Python? That is, in Ruby I can do this:

foo = `cat /tmp/baz`

What does the equivalent statement look like in Python? I've tried os.system("cat /tmp/baz") but that puts the result to standard out and returns to me the error code of that operation.

+25  A: 

The most flexible way is to use the subprocess module:

import subprocess

proc = subprocess.Popen(["cat", "/tmp/baz"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
print "program output:", out
yes, this is the only sane way, you could wrap it in a function so you can call something like execute("command")
Vinko Vrsalovic
This actually doesn't work for me, as in this case, baz is a directory and I'm trying to get the contents of all the files in that directory. (doing cat /tmp/baz/* works in ticks but not via the method described here)
Chris Bunch
re: "*" does not work; use subprocess.Popen(["cat", "/tmp/baz"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) instead. Since glob (star) expansion is handled by shell, subprocessing module must use shell expansion in this case (provided by /bin/sh).
Pasi Savolainen
@Chris: You can add `shell=True` as an additional keyword parameter to the `Popen` call if you want the shell to expand the "/tmp/baz/*" parameter. This should do what you want.
+1, subprocess is the preferable way to do it.
Nadia Alramli
+15  A: 
os.popen('cat /tmp/baz').read()
John Kugelman
+1  A: 
import os
foo = os.popen('cat /tmp/baz', 'r').read()
This is the equivalent of Ruby's backticks, but if your problem is to list the contents of a directory then this is not the best way to do it.
+7  A: 

sth is right. You can also use os.popen(), but where available (Python 2.4+) subprocess is generally preferable.

However, unlike some languages that encourage it, it's generally considered bad form to spawn a subprocess where you can do the same job inside the language. It's slower, less reliable and platform-dependent. Your example would be better off as:

foo= open('/tmp/baz').read()


baz is a directory and I'm trying to get the contents of all the files in that directory

? cat on a directory gets me an error.

If you want a list of files:

import os
foo= os.listdir('/tmp/baz')

If you want the contents of all files in a directory, something like:

contents= []
for leaf in os.listdir('/tmp/baz'):
    path= os.path.join('/tmp/baz', leaf)
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        contents.append(open(path, 'rb').read())
foo= ''.join(contents)

or, if you can be sure there are no directories in there, you could fit it in a one-liner:

path= '/tmp/baz'
foo= ''.join(open(os.path.join(path, child), 'rb').read() for child in os.listdir(path))
Although this wasn't an answer to the question, it's the best answer for educating users.

If you use subprocess.Popen, remember to specify bufsize. The default is 0, which means "unbuffered", not "choose a reasonable default".
