I'm making an AJAX call in my symfony project, so it has an sf_format of 'js'. In the actionSuccess.js.php view, I call get_partial to update the content on the page. By default it looks for the partial in 'js' format since the sf_format is still set as 'js'. Is it possible to override the sf_format so that it uses the regular 'html' partial that I already have (so that I don't have to have two identical partials)?
I have had a similar issue.
I looked through the code, and get_partial doesn't give you any scope to change the format looked for ... guess you could modify the code to make that possible if you needed to.
I instead went for switching the request format - also not ideal in my opinion. But better than editing the symfony files.
To do this in the controller:
or in the view
In both cases, if you want to set this back afterwards, you can retrieve the existing value using getRequestFormat().
2009-09-16 18:43:12
Awesome, Ben! Thanks! I'm setting the request format in the view, and it's actually simpler to call $sf_request->setRequestFormat('html') instead of using $sf_context.
2009-09-18 14:55:10
ah yeah, my bad, the $sf_request helper is a neat shortcut, forgot that.
2009-10-02 11:28:44
if your looking for a more sustainable solution, you could listen to the view.configure_format
and set the sfPHPView extension in your appflication configuration.
// in apps/api/config/apiConfiguration.class.php
public function configure() {
$this->dispatcher->connect('view.configure_format', array($this, 'configure_formats'));
public function configure_formats(sfEvent $event) {
// change extension, so our module templates and partials
// for xml do not need the .xml.php extension
2010-06-01 14:22:12