




I'm making an AJAX call in my symfony project, so it has an sf_format of 'js'. In the actionSuccess.js.php view, I call get_partial to update the content on the page. By default it looks for the partial in 'js' format since the sf_format is still set as 'js'. Is it possible to override the sf_format so that it uses the regular 'html' partial that I already have (so that I don't have to have two identical partials)?

+2  A: 

I have had a similar issue.

I looked through the code, and get_partial doesn't give you any scope to change the format looked for ... guess you could modify the code to make that possible if you needed to.

I instead went for switching the request format - also not ideal in my opinion. But better than editing the symfony files.

To do this in the controller:


or in the view


In both cases, if you want to set this back afterwards, you can retrieve the existing value using getRequestFormat().

Awesome, Ben! Thanks! I'm setting the request format in the view, and it's actually simpler to call $sf_request->setRequestFormat('html') instead of using $sf_context.
ah yeah, my bad, the $sf_request helper is a neat shortcut, forgot that.

if your looking for a more sustainable solution, you could listen to the view.configure_format and set the sfPHPView extension in your appflication configuration.

// in apps/api/config/apiConfiguration.class.php
public function configure() {
  $this->dispatcher->connect('view.configure_format', array($this, 'configure_formats'));

public function configure_formats(sfEvent $event) {
  // change extension, so our module templates and partials 
  // for xml do not need the .xml.php extension