I'm using pygame with python 2.6 right now, But I want to use python 3.1.1 instead. The normal pygame only works with 2.x, but the subversion ones work with 3.x I think. But what about pgreloaded? Is that useable yet? The normal pygame actually works with 3.1 too, but not for os x (at least there isn't a download). Does anyone actually use pgreloaded or subversion pygames? So anyway, should I use pygame subversion, pgreloaded, or stick with the current pygame? I don't really care about being compatible with other things or distribution.
EDIT: Ok, I got rid of python 2.6, installed 3.1, used svn command to get pygame, tried running python3 setup.py, didn't work, changed raw_input in setup.py to input(), worked, now my pygames (that were so simple that they work the same under 2.6 and 3.1) run with python 3.1. :) I didn't get pgreloaded because there's no documentation for it.