



I'm trying to run cProfile.runctx() on each process in a multiprocessing pool, to get an idea of what the multiprocessing bottlenecks are in my source. Here is a simplified example of what I'm trying to do:

from multiprocessing import Pool
import cProfile

def square(i):
    return i*i

def square_wrapper(i):
    cProfile.runctx("result = square(i)",
        globals(), locals(), "file_"+str(i))
    # NameError happens here - 'result' is not defined.
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pool = Pool(8)
    results = pool.map_async(square_wrapper, range(15)).get(99999)
    print results

Unfortunately, trying to execute "result = square(i)" in the profiler does not affect 'result' in the scope it was called from. How can I accomplish what I am trying to do here?

+1  A: 

Try this:

def square_wrapper(i):
    result = [None]
    cProfile.runctx("result[0] = square(i)", globals(), locals(), "file_%d" % i)
    return result[0]
+1; that worked, but seems fairly hacky.Can you explain why it worked?
I guess 'result = square(i)' just created a new reference, in cProfile.runctx scope (or wherever it exec'd the code), leaving old one intact. Using "global result" before runctx, and "global result; result = square(i)" (or "globals()['result'] = square(i)") inside works too.

If I have a multi-process system dominated by asynchronous message-passing, I use a laborious but effective method. I generate a time-stamped log of every message exchanged during a representative span of time, and figure out the full reason behind each message.

What I am looking for is:

  • Messages that do not necessarily have a good reason, such as repeated requests due to timeout issues.

  • Messages that show a long delay between the time they are received and the time any follow-on messages are generated. If there is such a delay, I figure out what the reason is. Was it simply queued up behind some other activity that was accessing a DB, and a simple priority-change would fix it?

Maybe there is some tool that makes this kind of thing easy. Regardless, it is heartening that asynchronous systems can be made to go quite fast.

Mike Dunlavey