I'm trying to run cProfile.runctx() on each process in a multiprocessing pool, to get an idea of what the multiprocessing bottlenecks are in my source. Here is a simplified example of what I'm trying to do:
from multiprocessing import Pool
import cProfile
def square(i):
return i*i
def square_wrapper(i):
cProfile.runctx("result = square(i)",
globals(), locals(), "file_"+str(i))
# NameError happens here - 'result' is not defined.
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
pool = Pool(8)
results = pool.map_async(square_wrapper, range(15)).get(99999)
print results
Unfortunately, trying to execute "result = square(i)" in the profiler does not affect 'result' in the scope it was called from. How can I accomplish what I am trying to do here?