




All the documentation I can find suggests that almost standards mode differs from standards mode only in the way images in table cells are aligned.

This question : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1414748/internet-explorer-8-and-checkbox-css-problem, however indicates that the rendering in IE8 and Opera changed between the two modes, based on how checkboxes are interpreted. Certainly there are neither tables nor images on that page.

So, does anyone know of other differences between these two modes?


Yes, it removes baseline under inline images which are only child of their containers.

MDC reference.

+1  A: 

The original almost standards mode only affected images in tables. Other browsers adopting the mode may of course have put other differences in it.

Form fields, and especially checkboxes, are tricky. The standards doesn't really cover how they should be rendered, so it's still pretty much up to the browser to make something reasonable out of it. Checkboxes are inline elements just like images, so some browsers may very well handle them similar to images.
