First of all, please excuse me for any incoherence in the tile of this question. It probably has some, but really don't know better.
This question was raised in the context of controlling iTunes via COM from python.
>>> itunes = win32com.client.Dispatch("iTunes.Application")
>>> itunes
<win32com.gen_py.iTunes 1.12 Type Library.IiTunes instance at 0x27248400>
>>> lib = itunes.LibraryPlaylist
>>> lib
<win32com.gen_py.iTunes 1.12 Type Library.IITLibraryPlaylist instance at 0x27249880>
What I would like to do is to retrieve 'IiTunes' from itunes and 'IITLibraryPlaylist' from lib. I have tried type(itunes) and type(lib) but they both only return "" and that's not what I am looking for.