There's a movie which name I can't remember. It's about a carnival or amusement park with a horror house and a bunch of teens who are murdered one by one by something with a clowns mask. I've seen this movie about 20 years ago, and it's sequel, but can't remember it exactly. (And also forgot it's title.) As a result, I started wondering about how to solve something technical.
Assume that I have a database with the story plot and other data of each and every movie published. (Something like the IMDb.) And I would have an edit field where a user can just enter a description in plain text. The system would then start analysing this text to find the movie(s) that would qualify to this description.
For example (different movie), I enter this in the edit field: "Some movie about an Egyptian king who attacks a bunch of indians on horseback, but he's badly wounded and his horse dies while he lost this battle." The system should then report the movie "Alexander" from 2004 as answer, but possibly a few more. (Even allowing a few errors in the description.)
To create such a system where a description gets analysed to find a matching record by searching through descriptions, what techniques should I need for something as complex as that? Not that I want to build something like that right now, but more out of curiosity if I ever want to pick up some interesting new project.
(I wanted to award extra points for those who recognise the movie I've mentioned in the beginning. But one Google-attempt later and I found it myself!)
Btw, it's not the search engine itself that interests me, but analysing the description to get to something a search engine will understand! With the example movie, it's human logic that helped me to find the title. (And it's annoying that this movie isn't for sale in the Netherlands.) Human logic will always be a requirement but it's about analysing the user input, which is in the form of a story or description, with possible errors.