The difference between using an interface and an abstract class has more to do with code organization for me, than enforcement by the language itself. I use them a lot when preparing code for other developers to work with so that they stay within the intended design patterns. Interfaces are a kind of "design by contract" whereby your code is agreeing to respond to a prescribed set of API calls that may be coming from code you do not have aceess to.
While inheritance from abstract class is a "is a" relation, that isn't always what you want, and implementing an interface is more of a "acts like a" relation. This difference can be quite significant in certain contexts.
For example, let us say you have an abstract class Account from which many other classes extend (types of accounts and so forth). It has a particular set of methods that are only applicable to that type group. However, some of these account subclasses implement Versionable, or Listable, or Editable so that they can be thrown into controllers that expect to use those APIs. The controller does not care what type of object it is
By contrast, I can also create an object that does not extend from Account, say a User abstract class, and still implement Listable and Editable, but not Versionable, which doesn't make sense here.
In this way, I am saying that FooUser subclass is NOT an account, but DOES act like an Editable object. Likewise BarAccount extends from Account, but is not a User subclass, but implements Editable, Listable and also Versionable.
Adding all of these APIs for Editable, Listable and Versionable into the abstract classes itself would not only be cluttered and ugly, but would either duplicate the common interfaces in Account and User, or force my User object to implement Versionable, probably just to throw an exception.