




If we drag or copy an image with alpha channel to a application / clipboard it lose the alpha channel using Qt. Using: QImage clipImage = pMimeData->imageData().value();

gives us 32 bit image with black background where it suppose to be transparent. The format of an image is always QImage::Format_RGB32. I tried to convert it to QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied and to extract the alpha channel but I received for alpha channel only black background which covers the whole portion of image. Howe can I retrieve the correct image with correct alpha channel from QMimeData.

Cheers Dejan


This is not an easy question to answer, not all application accept images with an alpha channel. I tried sending a PNG image via the clipboard (because it supports transparency) and that failed due to MS office not having a standard PNG clipboard import.


We have had to develop an interface which interacts with the MS Office API to insert the image. However could you be specific as to your destination application?

I asked Qt and they sort of said it was working as expected, its the receiving application that needs fixing.

Phil Hannent
If I copy the PNG image with alpha channel to a clipboard and then using QClipboard and QMimeData to extract it to my app I receive data back using QMimeData::imageData().value<QImage>(); but that image is flattened without alpha channel. If I try to use QMimeData::data("application/x-qt-image") it returns me an empty QByteArray even if QMimeData::formats().contains("application/x-qt-image") returns true. Using native Pasteboard on Mac and retrieve data to CGImageRef the image is of correct format and with alpha channel which makes me think that there is a bug in QClipboard.CheersDejan
And I have tried with MS Office 2008 for MAC and it accepts PNG with alpha channel from clipboard just fine.CheersDejan