




I'm developing an application that gets large images from an Internet server which is the best way to download this images, without freeze the entire application? I mean background download. I have thought about download it in another thread.


Yes, you need to spawn another thread to do the network communication, and then when it is finished doing it's reading, you can use a volatile boolean flag to indicate that the work is complete and the main/application thread can take the data and incorporate it. The data may be "part" of an image if you want to show the image coming in piece by piece (as a browser does).

Jesse Pepper

A background thread will work, but it's tricky to get right and not usually necessary... Qt4 makes it very easy to do non-blocking I/O in the main thread using the QTcpSocket class -- basically you connect the QTcpSocket object's readReady() signal to a slot it your program, and have your slot read out the newly available data from the QTcpSocket when it is called. For an example, have a look at the fortuneclient example in the Qt examples directory ($QTDIR/examples/network/fortuneclient).

Jeremy Friesner