



Groovys' NodeBuilder uses

def someBuilder = new NodeBuilder()

someBuilder.people(kind:'folks', groovy:true) {
  person(x:123,  name:'James', cheese:'edam') {
  person(x:234,  name:'bob', cheese:'cheddar') {

whereas Rails' XmlMarkup uses

xm =
xm.instruct!                   # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xm.html {                      # <html>
  xm.head {                    #   <head>
    xm.title("History")        #     <title>History</title>
  }                            #   </head>
  xm.body {                    #   <body>
    xm.comment! "HI"           #     <! -- HI -->
    xm.h1("Header")            #     <h1>Header</h1>
    xm.p("paragraph")          #     <p>paragraph</p>
  }                            #   </body>
}                              # </html>

Why is it that with Rails you need to use an explicit receiver (xm) whereas with Groovy you can ommit it? I've heard about the dislike for instance_eval in ruby, why is it groovy can get away with this style whereas ruby can't?

Thanks fractious, just finished reading that article, it's a superb roundup of the different techniques you can use for building DSLs in ruby. I'd vote you up but no rep yet.

+1  A: 

The two libraries have different syntax because they are different libraries, implemented in different languages by (as far as I know) different people, who had similar, but different ideas about how to go about implementing a DSL for writing (amongst other things) XML documents.

Or to put it another way, they're different because they are. I don't know a better way to put it.

It's worth noting that the Builder library is not specifically related to Rails: it's a library implemented as a Ruby Gem and can be used anywhere Ruby is, not just in Rails.

Mike Woodhouse

There's no reason you couldn't do it that way in Ruby. The author of that library simply didn't.

+2  A: 

Here's a good blog post explaining the different ways you might go about implementing a DSL in ruby and the pros and cons of each approach.

+1  A: 

There is no one answer for this, it's a matter of taste, nothing more. If you are asking whether Groovy's dsl could be done in Ruby, then yes you can using method_missing.
