



Hello all

I am starting a new project with my new employer. I am used to developing applications in Ruby on Rails. The team I am working with are more orientated to PHP and have decided they would like to use Zend framework for our new project. I am already reasonably familiar with PHP but not Zend.

I am looking for any resources that may make my transition from Rails to Zend smooth. So any books, pod casts, videos or links that you would recommend would be very much appreciated.

Thanks everyone!

+4  A: 
Steven Surowiec
thanks for these. appreciated
+4  A: 

A ton of great videos can also be found at:

In addition my favorite forum for things ZF would be:

these are great! awesome
+5  A: 

There is a free electronic-book (still a work in progress, and not finished yet ; but the first 9 or 10 chapters are there, and there are some nice ideas already) called Survive The Deep End

Disclaimer : I'm responsible for the french translation (not published yet) -- so I might be a bit biased.

I have no reason to be biased and I can confirm this is a great resource :D
+3  A: 

Rob Allen has written an excellent tutorial on getting started with ZF and he's also constantly updating it. You can find it here:

Mario Awad
+4  A: 

You can take a look at my free book for Zend Framework:

Zend Framework: Surviving The Deep End

The first 10 chapters are up online so far. It follows the development of a blog application in quite a bit of detail discussing Zend Framework features, issues met, and lots of information on melding all those components together with best practices.

thank you for writing such a valuable resource... you should get this published when it is finished!