




I have a view where I need to replace the term link "taxonomy/term" by my view link, because the view uses arguments to find content with terms

how can I put in link argument the term which is display : [term_name1] > link "display_view/term_name1", [term_name2] > link "display_view/term_name2"

I used [tid] field to put argument in link display_view/[tid] but it only display the first term, and not the real term (for example if multiple taggs it only display the first) and put all the terms in one single link : [term_name1 term_name2] > link "display_view/term_name1"

so why [tid] or [tid_1] don't run ? is there another field, or do I need php ? really need help ! :)


Hello, I made a view table to display store content it display : user name, title, taxonomy term to type (book, disc...), taxonomy term for taggs (subject of objects)

for example :

USER | TITLE | TERM TYPE (only one) | TERM SUBJECTS (taggs) user1 | James Brown disc | disc | soul jamesbrown user2 | rolls book | book | cars rolls travel

so I display different types of terms and in subjects it can have a multiple because it's taggs

I use arguments so it can have display for example only store from an user, or from an taxonomy (for examples only the disc, or the disc about soul) so I can link display_view/argtermtype/argtermsubject (I separate the type and subject)


what i want is the terms of the view don't redirect on taxonomy/term but on my view

so I have to : change the link of terms in view to redirect on display_texts/all/all replace [all] with the [term] argument


I can't have the right field of terms displayed in the links of terms

in fields, I :

checked "Output this field as a link" put the link "display_view/[tid]" for term type and "display_view/all/[tid]" for term subjects NOT checked "Link this field to its term page"

what it does : [tid] put in link FOR ALL THE LINE the SAME TERM and it put all the terms in one single link !

that's to say, it creates the links : USER | TITLE | TERM TYPE (only one) | TERM SUBJECTS (taggs) user1 | James Brown disc| [disc] > display_texts/disc (ok !) | [soul jamesbrown] (BAD only one link!) > display_texts/all/disc (BAD it's not the new term !)

what I need : USER | TITLE | TERM TYPE (only one) | TERM SUBJECTS (taggs) user1 | James Brown disc| [disc] > display_texts/disc| [soul] > display_texts/all/soul [jamesbrown] > display_texts/all/jamesbrown)



how can I put in argument the term which is display ? I try things like [tid_1] but doesn't work is there any list of fields somewhere ? or do i have to use php code ? how to separate link terms ? if I check "Link this field to its term page" links are separate but it replace my link by "taxonomy/term" link

think's in advance for any idea !


It looks to me as though you are confusing the use of Views Arguments with Views Fields. For the sake of discussion, I will assume you have a Page Display and are building a View of Nodes.

Arguments are used as dynamic filters. If you use a Taxonomy Argument, your View's results will be limited to terms with the particular taxonomy term. Arguments are passed to the View by URL. If you configured your view to be located at /path/to/view/%, the URL /path/to/view/5 will use the number 5 as the argument value. If you have a taxonomy argument set to a value of 5, you will retrieve all nodes with the taxonomy term of TID 5. Final take-away: Arguments are Input.

Fields are used to help you theme the output of your query. You already have all nodes with the taxonomy term of TID 5, now what do you want to show to the user? The [tid_1] token is not used by the argument, it's used to repeat the use of a particular field as part of another field in your output. Final take-away: Fields are Output.

Views is fairly complex, you should look for some basic tutorials to help you through it. There are also many good video tutorials, here's one:

P.S. Links in the View Preview mostly do not work right. Try saving your view even though it's incomplete and look at it "live".


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