




I am trying to create a budget using a Match function, but I can't even get to that point because the dynamic Range I am trying to create is returning the error: "Application-defined or object-defined error".

The range in question is rng

Sub Material()

Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim x, dwIndex, offSet, count, upperLeft, bottomRight, r, wall As Integer
Dim rng As Range

x = 0

For Each wSheet In Worksheets
    If wSheet.Name = "Drywall Pricing" Then
        dwIndex = wSheet.Index - 1
    End If
Next wSheet

For i = 1 To dwIndex
    If Sheets(i).Range("K1").Value > 0 Then
        count = 9
        offSet = 41
        r = 27
        For wall = 1 To count
            offSet = (offSet * wall) - (offSet * 1)
            upperLeft = (r + 16) + offSet
            bottomRight = (r + 27) + offSet
            rng = Sheets(i).Range(Cells(upperLeft, 0), Cells(bottomRight, 1))
        Next wall
    End If
Next i

End Sub

Does anyone have any clue the variable rng is not valid? Any help would be just freaking great because this is getting ridiculous.

Thanks in advance!

+2  A: 

Try: Set rng = ..

Any object assignments need the SET keyword :-)

Thanks for the Reply... but using Set returns the same error

What is the value of upperLeft and bottomRight when the error occurs?
Can that translate to an existing range?

43 and 54 respectively.
+1  A: 

You need to SET the range first.

Set rng = Sheets(i).Range(Cells(upperLeft, 0), Cells(bottomRight, 1))
+2  A: 

In addition to needing SET, your Cells properties are unqualified so they will return a Range from the ActiveSheet. Based on your code, I think you want:

With Sheet(i)
     Set rng = .Range(.Cells(upperLeft, 0), .Cells(bottomRight, 1))
End With

Note the periods before the Cells calls.

Dick Kusleika
Need to add 'Set' to your code (it's in the narrative but not the code)
Oh man! Copy, Paste, <strike>Test</strike>. Thanks for the heads up.
Dick Kusleika
Thanks for the reply. I tried using SET inside the WITH statement but it returns the same error (with or without the periods before the CELLS call).
I see another problem: The .Cells call can't use 0 as an argument.
Dick Kusleika

You also have incorrectly declared most of the variables in the second statement.

Dim x, y as integer

only declares y as an integer, and x as a variant.

Thanks! I fixed that.

I'm not sure if the CELLS call is right or wrong, but I figured out a way to make it work.

Here's what I am using:

upperLeft = (ref + 16) + (offSet * wall)
bottomRight = (ref + 27) + (offSet * wall)
Set rng = Sheets(i).Range("A" & upperLeft & ":B" & bottomRight)

The error stopped occurring with the above formula.

Thanks everyone for your quick replies. First time I've used stackoverflow and I think it's my new favorite thing.


Also be aware that Match will return a range reference not a numeric value. Hence you will alo get an object error if there is no match.

Marcus from London