What programming languages support arbitrary precision arithmetic and could you give a short example of how to print an arbitrary number of digits?
Java natively can do bignum operations with BigDecimal. GMP is the defacto standard library for bignum with C/C++.
Python has such ability. There is an excellent example here: http://tinyurl.com/python-precision
From the article:
from math import log as _flog
def log(x):
if x < 0:
return Decimal("NaN")
if x == 0:
return Decimal("-inf")
getcontext().prec += 3
eps = Decimal("10")**(-getcontext().prec+2)
# A good initial estimate is needed
r = Decimal(repr(_flog(float(x))))
while 1:
r2 = r - 1 + x/exp(r)
if abs(r2-r) < eps:
r = r2
getcontext().prec -= 3
return +r
Also, the python quick start tutorial discusses the arbitrary precision: http://docs.python.org/lib/decimal-tutorial.html
and describes getcontext:
the getcontext() function accesses the current context and allows the settings to be changed.
Edit: Made tinyurl link to get past the dead link problem. Added clarification on getcontext.
In Common Lisp,
(format t "~D~%" (expt 7 77))
"~D~%" in printf format would be "%d\n". Arbitrary precision arithmetic is built into Common Lisp.
Some languages have this support built in. For example, take a look at java.math.BigDecimal in Java, or decimal.Decimal in Python.
Other languages frequently have a library available to provide this feature. For example, in C you could use GMP or other options.
The "Arbitrary-precision software" section of this article gives a good rundown of your options.
Scheme (a variation of lisp) has a capability called 'bignum'. there are many good scheme implementations available both full language environments and embeddable scripting options. a few I can vouch for
MitScheme (also referred to as gnu scheme) PLTScheme Chezscheme Guile (also a gnu project) Scheme 48
If you want to work in the .NET world you can use still use the java.math.BigDecimal class. Just add a reference to vjslib (in the framework) and then you can use the java classes.
The great thing is, they can be used fron any .NET language. For example in C#:
using java.math;
namespace MyNamespace
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("12345678901234567890.1234567890123456789");
77 VALUE PIC S9(4)V9(4).
a signed variable witch 4 decimals.
:-) I can't remember the other old stuff...
Jokes apart, as my example show, I think you shouldn't choose a programming language depending on a single feature. Virtually all decent and recent language support fixed precision in some dedicated classes.
N[Pi, 100]
Not only does mathematica have arbitrary precision but by default it has infinite precision. It keeps things like 1/3 as rationals and even expressions involving things like Sqrt[2] it maintains symbolically until you ask for a numeric approximation, which you can have to any number of decimal places.
Apparently Tcl also has them, from version 8.5, courtesy of LibTomMath:
http://wiki.tcl.tk/5193 http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/237.html http://math.libtomcrypt.com/