I know frames are bad. However I have to stick with them a little longer. My problem comes from the non-standard "border" attribute of the "frameset" element:
<frameset border="0">
If I don't use that attribute browsers put a gap between each frame. If I use the attribute, HTML validators throw error about "unsupported attribute".
Now I hear you saying "use it and ignore the validator", that's fine. I think I can live with one validator warning, and browsers seem not too worried about it either :)
My question is mostly about HTML trickery. How can I set border to 0 and yet stay browser compatible? Think of this as an exercise for similar problems in the future. For instance I tried:
<frameset onload="this.border='0'">
and it didn't work.
I tried using stylesheets in inner frames to set "border:0;margin:0;padding:0", it didn't work either. Gap seems to come from an unknown source.
I thought of writing in Javascript like:
document.write('<frameset border="0">');
But I have a hunch that it wouldn't validate anyway.
Can you think of an alternate solution?
Other solutions that didn't work:
- @Donut: "frameborder" attribute on either "frame" or "frameset" elements
- @kangax: frameSetObj.setAttribute('border', 0);