



What are the different architectures for developing professional and organized Java Web Applications? I have heard about MVC architecture, what architecture else does, for example, Stackoverflow, google, orkut, etc.. use for a scalable, robust and easily-maintainable-from-the-developers-point-of-view, exist!


Read up on design patterns:


Interesting how an answer suggesting rails, django, and gets voted up when the OP asked a general question about dev models for a Java application.
Generic "go read X" answers without any description of why are frowned upon here, which I think is good.
+2  A: 

Quite honestly, most "web applications" are probably written in PHP.

Anyway read up on web frameworks, but to get you started here is a list of the most widely used web framework (that I can think of).

Ruby : Rails
Python : Django
Java : Spring

Then there are specialized things like Google Web Toolkit for writing Gmail like apps.

Personally I lean towards ASP.NET MVC and Django, but Rails and Spring are pretty good as well.

But there is a LOT more than just the web framework for many of these applications. Lots of AJAX, Javascript, Flash, scripting, etc. etc.

But definitely start using one of the above 4 (or 5 if you need GWT).

-1 Because this answer has nothing to do with Ajay's question, he asks about Architectures in a Java environment, this answer answers the usual simple "How can i create my own Web-Application, i have no idea how to do this!1!11one"... no offense! :-)
Wow way to give me a thumbs down! He clearly asks "What architecture does Stackoverflow google orkut, etc" use. This clearly is not specific to Java. Stackoverflow is in ASP.NET MVC.

After trying a lot of different java web frameworks, I’m really argent to recommend grails. Only 1-2 hours you need to try it out and to build you test web application. After a short time you are able to decide if it suitable for your requirements.


Personally I like Spring MVC for both small or big things. Using frameworks takes a lot of the hassle out when creating a java web app.

Apache Struts used to be (years ago) very popular and the few times I wrote some sort of small web framework it always resembled the Struts patterns for some reason. So it could be a good idea to look at some of these frameworks first and if you later on still want to create your own keep the framework you liked the most in mind.
