+2  A: 

This is happening because of the IIS setting "Check if file exists" for the web project.

What I had to do for one of my web projects was create a new extension for my web app. So I go to INETMGR > WebApp > Properties > Directory Tab > Configuration Button > Mappings Tab > Add Button and set the Executable to aspnet_isapi.dll, set Extension to ".*" and un-check "Check that file exists".

I see. I imagine, then, that since I am on a shared server I cannot change this setting?
You probably can't do it yourself. I called my hosting company and they did it for me while I was on the phone, it really shouldn't take too long.
This should be a per-application setting, not a site-wide setting. You should be able to change this for your application.
@tvanfosson, depends on which version of IIS you're running. Some versions don't have app pools.
Alright I have contacted my hosting service, hopefully they can assist me with this issue. Thank you for clarifying what the issue was.

It looks like an IIS configuration issue. Extensionless routing's possible, but it can be a bit of pain to get running.

Phil Haack has an article on getting MVC apps running on IIS 6 here - I don't know how much access you'll have to the IIS console if it's a shared environment, so it may or may not be useful.
