I have a database with a Unique key on the the columns ParentRef and SortIndex.
In LINQ, I want to switch two SortIndex values. I want to do this in one transaction so there can be multiple users at once. How do I, with LINQ, switch the values in one go, so my Unique key does not be violated?
var dc = new MyDataContext();
using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
var pageToBeMoved = dc.Pages.Where(p => p.ID == id).Single();
var pageToBeSwitched = (from p in dc.Pages
where p.ParentRef == pageToBeMoved.ParentRef
where p.SortIndex > pageToBeMoved.SortIndex
orderby p.SortIndex ascending
select p).First();
int tempSortIndex = pageToBeMoved.SortIndex;
pageToBeMoved.SortIndex = pageToBeSwitched.SortIndex;
pageToBeSwitched.SortIndex = tempSortIndex;