I am using Uploadify and something which was previously working now isn't and I'm not sure why. I get an HTTP error returned whenever I click upload. Watching the net tab in Firefox, it doesn't look like it's even sending anything to the server again.
I've tried putting in the error function to help debug but the status attribute is undefined..
'uploader': '/scripts/upload/uploadify.swf',
'script': '/Member/UploadImages/PerformUpload',
'cancelImg': '/scripts/upload/cancel.png',
'multi': true,
'simUploadLimit': 1,
'fileDesc': "Images",
'fileExt': "*.jpg;*. jpeg;*.bmp;*.png",
'sizeLimit': 3000000,
'onError': function (event, queueID ,fileObj, errorObj) {
var msg;
if (errorObj.status == 404) {
alert('Could not find upload script. Use a path relative to: '+'<?= getcwd() ?>');
msg = 'Could not find upload script.';
} else if (errorObj.type === "HTTP")
msg = errorObj.type+": "+errorObj.status;
else if (errorObj.type ==="File Size")
msg = fileObj.name+'<br>'+errorObj.type+' Limit: '+Math.round(errorObj.sizeLimit/1024)+'KB';
msg = errorObj.type+": "+errorObj.text;
$("#fileUpload" + queueID).fadeOut(250, function() { $("#fileUpload" + queueID).remove()});
return false;
Any ideas?