
How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC?

I'm in the process of trying to get the jQuery plugin, Uploadify, to work with ASP.NET MVC. I've got the plugin showing up fine: With the following javascript snippet: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#fileUpload').fileUpload({ 'uploader': '/Content/Flash/uploader.swf', ...

Using cakephp and uploadify

Does anyone have a good tutorial implementing cakephp and uploadify thanks, ...

Uploadify - files not showing up

I'm trying to use Uploadify (a jQuery plugin) with my CakePHP app. Locally (WampServer), it works great, but when I try it on my live server (Dreamhost), the files don't show up. I've properly chmod'ed the folders, checked the paths, etc, and I can't make any sense of why it isn't working. Here's upload.php: if (!empty($_FILES)) { ...

Problems with flash uploader progress indicator and nginx

So I am trying to use a flash uploader (specifically uploadify, but tried swfuploader as well) and for some reason the progress isn't being tracked correctly. I am about to give apache a try, but would prefer to use nginx due to its lower memory consumption and speed. Now this isn't an issue with an upload_progress module, since flash it...

Uploadify plugin

Has anyone used this plugin? I don't know if my setup is right, but I think so.. $(document).ready(function() { $("#uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader' : '/extra/flash/uploadify.swf', 'script' : '/admin/uploads/artistsphotos', 'checkScript' : '/admin/uploads/artistsphotos', 'cancelImg' : '/images/cancel.png', '...

Jquery uploadifiy realtime update

How can i send some parameters, that they aren't defined when the page loads, i have a select box, and i also need to send to php, the selected value.So here my code var _data = $('#art:selected').val(); $('#art').live('change',function(){ $selected = $(":selected",this); id = $selected.val(); _data = id; }); $('.vla'...

Sessions and uploadify

I'm using uploadify, and i can't set sessions in my php files, my script looks like this: $("#uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader' : '/extra/flash/uploadify.swf', 'script' : '/admin/uploads/artistsphotos', 'scriptData' : {'PHPSESSID' : '<?= session_id(); ?>'}, 'cancelImg' : '/imag...

javascript to php question

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader' : 'scripts/uploadify.swf', 'script' : 'scripts/uploadify.php', 'buttonImg' : 'css/btn_browseFiles.png', 'rollover' : 'true', 'wmode' : 'transparent', 'height' : ...

Is this possible?

I have a question, I'm using uploadify, and every time when a file finishes to upload, the script runs a code which is located in the onComplete statement, and the code from the onComplete statement it's an ajax call to a page, let's call it X , how can I know when the script access the page X for the first time? ...

Using Uploadify with Sharepoint and .net

I have a some html being generated by JQuery on a Share Point page. I want to use uploadify in this html to upload a file to the server. Alexander has helped by providing the following sample code which is based partially on http://www.uploadify.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=45. upload.ashx <%@ Assembly Name="ClassName, Version=1....

onComplete and onCompleteAll events failing to fire when using Uploadify

Hi I have been using uploadify (www.uploadify.com) to upload images to my website, and it works beautifully until you try to expand on it a little. Im trying to get it to remove a queued up file from the list once that file has been uploaded. To do this, you would initialize uploadify as such: $("#fileUpload").uploadify({ ...

Uploadify not working

I am using Uploadify and something which was previously working now isn't and I'm not sure why. I get an HTTP error returned whenever I click upload. Watching the net tab in Firefox, it doesn't look like it's even sending anything to the server again. I've tried putting in the error function to help debug but the status attribute is un...

Getting Uploadify to work with Codeigniter ?

Has anyone been able to get uploadify to work with codeigniter? Everything I try it will not upload. ...

jQuery + webforms: call an ashx, and refresh an image as a result

Consider an ASP.NET page using the jQuery library Uploadify. Here is the sequence of events on the ASP.NET webforms page: User clicks on a file upload control. Plain old HTML <input type="file" /> User picks an image file from their system using a Browse dialog. All working fine. A jQuery event fires. It calls an ashx that properly u...

jQuery Uploadify plugin with HTTPS

jQuery Uploadify plugin uses flash swf to upload files. I have implemented it on a HTTP website but now I want to do the same on HTTPS. It works fine on IE but breaks in FF by returning IO error. It must be flash security issue. Is there any work around to get the flash working over SSL. Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed. ...

Security concerns with uploadify

I just implemented uploadify in my project, and I noticed what seems like an important security issue with the uploading process: The folder in which the file should be uploaded is provided as a javascript argument, so client-side. If the user changes the script, and fills in a different folder (i.e. "/") for the upload, the file gets u...

how to access scriptData from uploadify in asp.net MVC controller

Hey guys, i've got uploadify handling some file uploads on my mvc project and that part is working very nicely i just want to know what i will need to add to my controller action to get access to scriptData variables that i am passing from the uploadify javascript EDIT for some more clarification: my uploadify script is as follows: va...

Uploadify not firing events outside of localhost

hey everyone, I have a pretty straight forward uploadified page that allows users to upload files, it works beautifully when I run it on my local machine accessing it through http://localhost/project/etc the problem is when i try to access the same stuff from outside of localhost, even if trying to get to it through my machinename (htt...

Using Uploadify to POST Directly to Amazon S3

Can anyone tell me how to use Uploadify to upload directly to Amazon S3? My code is as follows: $('#fileInput').uploadify({ 'fileDataName' : 'file', 'uploader' : 'uploadify.swf', 'script' : 'http://BUCKET-NAME-GOES-HERE.s3.amazonaws.com/', 'cancelImg' : 'cancel.png', 'method' : 'post', 'au...

Rename file with uploadify

Hi there I'm using uploadify with asp and I want to change the file name to the current date+time when the file is complete. Is there any way to do it? this is my JS code: $('#fileUploadJquery').uploadify({ 'uploader' : 'Shared/ClientScripts/Uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'cancelImg' : 'Shared/ClientScripts/Uploadify/cancel.p...