
How to edit a file's properties after is uploaded

I'm using the uploadify jquery plugin to upload multiple files. Everything works fine, but i want something a little more from the script. I want to add some more info to the uploaded files. How do I remove the default behavior of the onComplete option and instead of removing the file queue item from the list, to display a thumbnail of t...

IO / HTTP error in Uploadify

I am trying to get uploadify to work. When I try and upload something the browse functionality works fine but there is a breif pause and then I get either an "http error" or an "IO error". The progress bar doesn't display, which made me think it might be a path issue, but the swf file is in the same location as the images / scripts whic...

How to trigger Uploadify onError even handler?

I am using Uploadify to upload files. Problem is, I need to inform users of any error during processing of those files. Uploadify has onError, onComplete, and onAllComplete even handler but I do not know how to trigger these events so that users are informed of what is going on. Do I need to send JSON string? There is a clue here and h...

Uploadify updateSettings problems

I've got an uploadify form working beautifully, but I'd like to change the settings programatically and I'm getting an error. Uploadify is initiated on document.ready and I'm trying to bind the updateSettings to a button click (also done in the document.ready). I have also tried using the updateSettings function outside of the document....

Every flash uploader giving bad progress values.

The file upload script I wrote early last year for an internal website has been misbehaving oddly on a number of machines. On some machines it consistently works fine, on others it consistently misbehaves. I am having exactly the same problem with YUI Uploader, SWFUpload (2.2 and 2.5a), and Uploadify. On the misbehaving machines, the pr...

uploadify + jQuery 1.4 response is empty after uploadComplete

I'm using uploadify with jquery 1.4 to upload images. In the php script that uploads the files we print this: $json_response['status'] = "true"; $json_response['file'] = $_FILES; echo Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($json_response); In javascript we do (in short): $('#images_upload_file').uploadify({ onComplete: function(event, queueI...

Get uploadify to work with cookieless session state?

I have an uploadify control working fine in a vb.net web application - however whenever I switch on cookieless session state in web.config (cookieless="true") - it stops working. In my upload IHttpHandler I can see that the data stored by uploadify is nothing: Private Function Process(ByVal context As HttpContext) As String Dim F...

Does flash always post a "Filename" parameter when doing a file upload?

I have tried two flash upload components, swfupload and uploadify, and both seem to generate POSTs with a "Filename" parameter. My problem is that the service I'm posting to has a strictly specified set of allowed parameters and Filename is not one of them. So, is it at all possible to remove this parameter from the post? ...

swfobject in Uploadify not working with IE 7 or 8

I am using Uploadify and have a pop up which is loaded by jQuery by Ajax. The page on which the popup lives on has an include to swfobject (from Google's Code Api) and the Uploadify button should appear. This works great on FF and Chrome but IE gives me a javascript error Unknown runtime error line 4 character 5942 Anyone got any ide...

Upload images problem: IO error. (Error #2038)

I'm using script which is uploading files to server via flash component. Sometimes, very rarely, when trying to upload images via Firefox I get following error: IO error #2038. Searching on the net I could find reason why is it really happening to me. But I found solution for my case: I open IE6, do the same thing there (photos are alway...

uploadify is tempermental? unable to list newly uploaded files in database!

hey guys i've been trying to work the uploadify script to little avail... it uploads all the files correctly to the assigned folder but no details of the upload are added via mysql. any idea of where i may be making a mistake? please help. manage.php <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#u...

Uploadify/swfobject parameter isues with IE

I've been using uploadify in an app for a few years and it has always worked fine. When I upgraded to the 2.1.0 version, it now comes bundled with swfobject 2.2. In firefox, safari, and chrome, the file upload and everything works perfectly. However, in all versions of IE, the javascript is not passing any of the parameters to the flash...

Issues with cross-domain uploading

I'm using a django plugin called django-filebrowser which utilizes uploadify. The issue I'm having is that I'm hosting uploadify.swf on a remote static media server, whereas my admin area is on my django server. At first, the browse button wouldn't invoke my browser's upload. I fixed this by modifying the sameScriptAccess to always inst...

use uploadify in ruby on rails

hi...i'm trying to use the jQuery Uploadify on a Ruby on Rails project. i am able to browse for a file, and select it. the upload progress goes till 100% and then i get a HTTP error. my development.log is below Processing ApplicationController#index (for at 2010-02-07 18:33:01) [POST] Parameters: {"Filename"=>"file.psd", "fo...

session is not working in uploadify plugin of jquery...

session is not working in uploadify plugin... Edit... @ marcgg When i am trying to upload images using uploadify plugin.. My session is nt working at back end.. Boss what else i can say.. should i post the default code i got from uploadify plugin... ...

Inaccurate progress bar when uploading large files using ASP.NET and Uploadify?

I've got an ASP.NET web application (utilizing WebForms) and am using Uploadify to handle uploading large files. This is done by posting the file to an HttpHandler. Example of code (simplified for demonstration purposes): $(".uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader': '/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'script': 'SaveUploadedFile.ashx', ...

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet

Hello,i just started using Uploadify flash plugin instead of standard HTML UI. And met the next problem: when I click "Upload Files" link,that progress is shown and "completed" status is appeared, but in reality - it didn't happened anything,Java Servlet isn't called from backend. There is upload servlet and uploading performed next way ...

Uploadify plugin doesn't pass more than 1 param

There is issue, when Uploadify plugin desn't POST more than 1 parameter. Tried 3 variants below. Any suggestions or experince? First - standard way explanation: portletId and jsessionid params passed in 'script' : oScript.text = "var $j = jQuery.noConflict();"; oScript.text+= "$j(document).ready(function(){"; ... oScript.text+= "$j('#u...

Dynamic scriptData in jQuery Uploadify

I'm pretty new to javascript and jQuery. I'm using Uploadify to upload images to the server. There are multiple Uploader objects on the page. I need to pass the id of the Uploader object being used to the server. This is what I have so far: $('input.ImageUpload').uploadify({ ... 'scriptData': {'id': ??????}, ... }); How ca...

Uploading images with Uploadify run into IO Error with local proxy (proxy.pac)

I'm trying to upload images with Uploadify but I run into IO error. I have got http://github.com/leeh/uploadify_paperclip_demo and it works on my computer, so I decided to implement functionality of my application to this example step by step to catch the error and discovered that the reason of IO error is my local proxy.pac (I use FF): ...