Hello SO:
I have a file upload program written in ASP.NET MVC. It is currently on my local development machine, and I would like to know how (if it is possible) to generate a link for each uploaded file so when it is clicked, the item is displayed/downloaded etc.
Current code/markup that handles displaying file list:
var path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "uploads");
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path))
var item = new FileInfo(file);
<%=Html.Encode(item.Length >= 1024 ? item.Length / 1024 + " kilobytes" : item.Length + " bytes")%>
// This is the line in question. Does not work as-is.
<a href="<%= item.FullName %>"><%= Html.Encode(Path.GetFileName(item.Name)) %></a>
<% } %>
I imagine I will have to change the file-handling code around once this goes live, but for now this is sufficient. Suggestions are also welcome :)