How can a PHP script detect if a socket has been closed by the remote party?
returns empty string, instantly, without waiting for the socket to timeout.
(No, this is not a real answer, but this is the hackish solution I have in place in my code ATM. This behaviour might also be windows-specific.)
too much php
2009-09-17 01:50:33
This is standard behaviour in most languages/platforms, not just PHP/Windows.
Matthew Scharley
2009-09-17 01:51:57
What gets returned if I call `fread($socket)` when the connection is open?
2009-09-17 02:10:24
Whatever data is waiting to be read
too much php
2009-09-17 02:59:31
From socket_read():
socket_read() returns the data as a string on success, or FALSE on error (including if the remote host has closed the connection). The error code can be retrieved with socket_last_error(). This code may be passed to socket_strerror() to get a textual representation of the error.
This is the fairly standard approach to detecting if a socket is closed in most languages. I don't believe PHP offers a direct event-style notification (except perhaps something in PEAR).
Matthew Scharley
2009-09-17 01:51:14