




Here is an excerpt function:

    function excerpt($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $ending = "...") {
270             if (empty($text) or empty($phrase)) {
271                 return $this->truncate($text, $radius * 2, $ending);
272             }
274             $phraseLen = strlen($phrase);
275             if ($radius < $phraseLen) {
276                 $radius = $phraseLen;
277             }
279             $pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase));
281             $startPos = 0;
282             if ($pos > $radius) {
283                 $startPos = $pos - $radius;
284             }
286             $textLen = strlen($text);
288             $endPos = $pos + $phraseLen + $radius;
289             if ($endPos >= $textLen) {
290                 $endPos = $textLen;
291             }
293             $excerpt = substr($text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos);
294             if ($startPos != 0) {
295                 $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, 0, $phraseLen);
296             }
298             if ($endPos != $textLen) {
299                 $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, -$phraseLen);
300             }
302             return $excerpt;
303         }

Its drawback is that it doesn't try to match as many searched words as possible,which only matches once by default.

How to implement the desired one?


Try adding recursion to search for multiple matches

This should have been added as a comment mate, not an answer.
Recommend delete and re-add as comment.
Brian Lacy
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $ending = "...") { 

     $phraseLen = strlen($phrase); 
   if ($radius < $phraseLen) { 
         $radius = $phraseLen; 

     $phrases = explode (' ',$phrase);

     foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
             $pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase)); 
             if ($pos > -1) break;

     $startPos = 0; 
     if ($pos > $radius) { 
         $startPos = $pos - $radius; 

     $textLen = strlen($text); 

     $endPos = $pos + $phraseLen + $radius; 
     if ($endPos >= $textLen) { 
         $endPos = $textLen; 

     $excerpt = substr($text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos); 
     if ($startPos != 0) { 
         $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, 0, $phraseLen); 

     if ($endPos != $textLen) { 
         $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, -$phraseLen); 

     return $excerpt; }
+1  A: 

The code listed here thus far has not worked for me so I spent some time thinking of an algorithm to implement. What I have now works decently, and it does not appear to be a performance problem - feel free to test. Results are not as snazzy Google's snippets as there is no detection for where sentences start and end. I could add this but it'd be that much more complicated and I'd have to throw in the towel on doing this in a single function. Already its getting crowded and could be better coded if, for example, the object manipulations were abstracted to methods.

Anyhow, this is what I have and it should be a good start. The most dense excerpt is determined and the resulting string will approximately be the span you have specified. I urge some testing of this code as I have not done a thorough job of it. Surely there are problematic cases to be found.

I also encourage anyone to improve on this algorithm, or simply the code to execute it.


// string excerpt(string $text, string $phrase, int $span = 100, string $delimiter = '...')
// parameters:
//  $text - text to be searched
//  $phrase - search string
//  $span - approximate length of the excerpt
//  $delimiter - string to use as a suffix and/or prefix if the excerpt is from the middle of a text

function excerpt($text, $phrase, $span = 100, $delimiter = '...') {

  $phrases = preg_split('/\s+/', $phrase);

  $regexp = '/\b(?:';
  foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
    $regexp .= preg_quote($phrase, '/') . '|';

  $regexp = substr($regexp, 0, -1) . ')\b/i';
  $matches = array();
  preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
  $matches = $matches[0];

  $nodes = array();
  foreach ($matches as $match) {
    $node = new stdClass;
    $node->phraseLength = strlen($match[0]);
    $node->position = $match[1];
    $nodes[] = $node;

  if (count($nodes) > 0) {
    $clust = new stdClass;
    $clust->nodes[] = array_shift($nodes);
    $clust->length = $clust->nodes[0]->phraseLength;
    $clust->i = 0;
    $clusters = new stdClass;
    $clusters->data = array($clust);
    $clusters->i = 0;
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      $lastClust = $clusters->data[$clusters->i];
      $lastNode = $lastClust->nodes[$lastClust->i];
      $addedLength = $node->position - $lastNode->position - $lastNode->phraseLength + $node->phraseLength;
      if ($lastClust->length + $addedLength <= $span) {
        $lastClust->nodes[] = $node;
        $lastClust->length += $addedLength;
        $lastClust->i += 1;
      } else {
        if ($addedLength > $span) {
          $newClust = new stdClass;
          $newClust->nodes = array($node);
          $newClust->i = 0;
          $newClust->length = $node->phraseLength;
          $clusters->data[] = $newClust;
          $clusters->i += 1;
        } else {
          $newClust = clone $lastClust;
          while ($newClust->length + $addedLength > $span) {
            $shiftedNode = array_shift($newClust->nodes);
            if ($shiftedNode === null) {
            $newClust->i -= 1;
            $removedLength = $shiftedNode->phraseLength;
            if (isset($newClust->nodes[0])) {
              $removedLength += $newClust->nodes[0]->position - $shiftedNode->position;
            $newClust->length -= $removedLength;
          if ($newClust->i < 0) {
            $newClust->i = 0;
          $newClust->nodes[] = $node;
          $newClust->length += $addedLength;
          $clusters->data[] = $newClust;
          $clusters->i += 1;
    $bestClust = $clusters->data[0];
    $bestClustSize = count($bestClust->nodes);
    foreach ($clusters->data as $clust) {
      $newClustSize = count($clust->nodes);
      if ($newClustSize > $bestClustSize) {
        $bestClust = $clust;
        $bestClustSize = $newClustSize;
    $clustLeft = $bestClust->nodes[0]->position;
    $clustLen = $bestClust->length;
    $padding = round(($span - $clustLen)/2);
    $clustLeft -= $padding;
    if ($clustLeft < 0) {
      $clustLen += $clustLeft*-1 + $padding;
      $clustLeft = 0;
    } else {
      $clustLen += $padding*2;
  } else {
    $clustLeft = 0;
    $clustLen = $span;

  $textLen = strlen($text);
  $prefix = '';
  $suffix = '';

  if (!ctype_space($text[$clustLeft]) && isset($text[$clustLeft-1]) && !ctype_space($text[$clustLeft-1])) {
    while (!ctype_space($text[$clustLeft])) {
      $clustLeft += 1;
    $prefix = $delimiter;

  $lastChar = $clustLeft + $clustLen;
  if (!ctype_space($text[$lastChar]) && isset($text[$lastChar+1]) && !ctype_space($text[$lastChar+1])) {
    while (!ctype_space($text[$lastChar])) {
      $lastChar -= 1;
    $suffix = $delimiter;
    $clustLen = $lastChar - $clustLeft;

  if ($clustLeft > 0) {
    $prefix = $delimiter;

  if ($clustLeft + $clustLen < $textLen) {
    $suffix = $delimiter;

  return $prefix . trim(substr($text, $clustLeft, $clustLen+1)) . $suffix;
The largest performance bottleneck is the regular expression used in preg_match_all as the search phrase grows large. I had one alternative in mind which is to preg_split the text on spaces as well and deal with the word matching with PHP. This method is also allows a much more powerful way to generate the excerpt. I have yet to see how it ranks up, however, and the regexp engine is probably already doing a good job.