Hi this issue is really effecting me a lot any suggestions are greatly helpful
I need to add the validation in rules so that If i give a value in one field the other fields should also be filled or If I do not give any value in any of the fields it should be ok
This is for my phone number fields I have three fields named as areaCode, exchange and number
this is the below code how I defined it
<div class="pad10Top"><input name="areaCode" id="mobilePhone1" maxlength="3"/><input name="exchange" id="mobilePhone2" maxlength="3"/><input name="number" id="mobilePhone3" maxlength="4"/><a href="javascript: void(0)"><img name="link" id="linkMobilePhoneBtn" name="link" src="images/theme/btn_clear.gif" class="inlineButton" onclick="$('#mobilePhone1').val('');$('#mobilePhone2').val('');$('#mobilePhone3').val('');"/></a></div>
I tried different sinerios for fixing it in rules but did not work out some thing like
rules: {
areaCode: {
digits: true,
minlength: 3,
required: "#exchange:filled"
exchange: {
digits: true,
minlength: 3,
required: "#number:filled"
number: {
digits: true,
minlength: 4,
required: "#areaCode:filled"
I even tried writing a external function and calling it some thing like
function testPhone() {
if (($("#exchange").val() == "") && ($("#number").val() == "") && ($("#areaCode").val() == ""))
return false;
return true;
and call it in
required: {
depends: function(element) {
return testPhone()
I saw some block where the validation plug in writer wrote some thing like this but this did not work eather
areaCode: {
digits: true,
minlength: 3,
required: "#exchange:filled, #number:filled"
If some one can help with this issue I will be so greatful for them please help me with code as I am fresher thankyou }