I'm trying to write a custom WPF ValidationRule to enforce that a certain property is unique within the context of a given collection. For example: I am editing a collection of custom objects bound to a ListView and I need to ensure that the Name property of each object in the collection is unique. Does anyone know how to do this?
First, I'd create a simple DependencyObject class to hold your collection:
class YourCollectionType : DependencyObject {
[PROPERTY DEPENDENCY OF ObservableCollection<YourType> NAMED: BoundList]
Then, on your ValidationRule-derived class, create a property:
YourCollectionType ListToCheck { get; set; }
Then, in the XAML, do this:
<YourCollectionType BoundList="{Binding Path=TheCollectionYouWantToCheck}" />
Then in your validation, look at ListToCheck's BoundList property's collection for the item that you're validating against. If it's in there, obviously return a false validation result. If it's not, return true.
Daniel Jennings
2008-08-29 18:03:51
This doesn't seem to work, the binding result is always null (doesn't seem to inherit the DataContext)
Flatliner DOA
2010-05-04 05:46:29