



With BlackBerry OS version 5.0 coming up, Which is the highest BlackBerry OS version should I target my code so that I cover the maximum devices that are available in the market? To put it in other words, if I write code based on OS version 4.x I would be able to cover the devices including up to version 5.0, then what is the highest minor version should that x be?

+10  A: 
Max Gontar
Well, basically I need this information to develop applications that would cover many devices that are in the market using a single source base. I know that I might not fully utilise the potential of the latest apis, but when the application does not require the latest apis I would like to cover the maximum number of devices leaving out the ones that have been phased out of the market because they are too old, for example, I need to develop apps targeting version 3.6 to 4.0 as those devices either are/or being phased out by the newer devices that are available in the market. Hope it's clear!
I see. Well, as I said, my choise is 4.5 )
Max Gontar
And the lower version of RIM OS Blackberry JDE - 4.0
Max Gontar
+5  A: 

Actually you should target 4.2.1+ and you will hit 97% of BlackBerry's out there. Don't forget, you don't want to cover all BB's, just those that can install apps :)

Farhan Thawar


We are using phonegap for backberry application development here we can just create backberry apps with html, javascript and css need to know more which model is compatible with this phonegap framework and should we used native function for that


Addon Solutions
That's not really an answer to the question, so it's likely to be ignored. You'll do better asking this as a new question.