I have a cherrypy web server that uses larges amounts of HTML data. Is there anyway in Python to minimize the HTML so that all comments, spaces, ext, are removed?
HTML Tidy's libtidy doesn't seem to have python bindings (bit it does have perl and c++ etc), but ought to be easy to run as an exe in a pipe.
Or ideally, use it to 'tidy' all static html files once so they don't need to be tidied each time they are served.
2009-09-17 08:05:08
That page links to a *TidyLib Python wrapper*: http://utidylib.berlios.de/ but I don't know if it minifies.
Andrea Ambu
2009-09-17 08:22:32
there are bindings to tidy for python, called mxTidy from eGenix (Marc André Lemburg)
2009-10-07 13:35:25