Hi there,
All I'm trying to do is spec how a one line helper method for a view should behave, but I'm not sure what kind of mock object, (if any) I should be creating if I'm working in Rails.
Here's the code for events_helper.rb:
module EventsHelper
def filter_check_button_path
params[:filter].blank? ? '/images/buttons/bt_search_for_events.gif' : '/images/buttons/bt_refine_this_search.gif'
And here's my spec code, in events_helper_spec.rb:
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
describe EventsHelper do
#Delete this example and add some real ones or delete this file
it "should be included in the object returned by #helper" do
included_modules = (class << helper; self; end).send :included_modules
included_modules.should include(EventsHelper)
it "should return the 'refine image search' button if a search has been run" do
# mock up params hash
params = {}
params[:filter] = true
# create an instance of the class that should include EventsHelper by default, as the first test has verified (I think)
@event = Event.new
# call method to check output
@event.filter_check_button_path.should be('/images/buttons/bt_search_for_events.gif')
When I've looked through the docs here - http://rspec.info/rails/writing/views.html, I'm mystified as to where the 'template' object comes from.
I've also tried looking here, which I thought would point me in the right direction, but alas, no dice. http://jakescruggs.blogspot.com/2007/03/mockingstubbing-partials-and-helper.html
What am I doing wrong here?