



+4  Q: 

ruby sort_by twice

Ruby has a sort_by method on Enumerables. Fantastic! So you can do something like

entries.sort_by { |l| l.project.name }

That would sort a bunch of entries by their project names. How could you work it so that within projects that had the same name, entries were sorted by their time?


You can use the regular sort method to do it.

entries.sort do |a, b|
  comp = a.project.name <=> b.project.name
  comp.zero? ? (a.project.time <=> b.project.time) : comp
the nonzero? method can be helpful here: sort {|a,b| (a.project.name <=> b.project.name).nonzero? or (a.project.time <=> b.project.time)}
glenn jackman
+10  A: 

I would suggest putting the column you want to sort by into an array.

entries.sort_by { |l| [l.project.name, l.project.time] }

This will respect the natural sort order for each type.

If you want the secondary sort to be most-recent-first, do this: `now = Time.now; entries.sort_by { |e| e.project.name, now - e.project.time }`
James A. Rosen
entries.sort_by { |e| e.project.name, -e.project.time }makes more sense.
Antti Tarvainen
Not bad Antti, not bad at all!
James A. Rosen
+1  A: 

Return an array:

entries.sort_by { |l| [ l.project.name, l.project.time] }

this works because the <=> operator on arrays does a field-by-field 'lexical' comparison which is what you're looking for.

Dave Ray