Here is a little pyparsing parser for your file. Not only does this show a solution to your immediate problem, but the parser gives you a nice set of objects that you can use to easily access the data in each interface.
Here is the parser:
from pyparsing import *
# set up the parser
comment = "#" + Optional(restOfLine)
keyname = Word(alphas,alphanums+'-')
value = Combine(empty + SkipTo(LineEnd() | comment))
INTERFACE = Keyword("interface")
interfaceDef = Group(INTERFACE + value("name") + \
Dict(OneOrMore(Group(~INTERFACE + keyname + value))))
# ignore comments (could be anywhere)
# parse the source text
ifcdata = OneOrMore(interfaceDef).parseString(txt)
Now how to use it:
# use dump() to list all of the named fields created at parse time
for ifc in ifcdata:
print ifc.dump()
# first the answer to the OP's question
print [ for ifc in ifcdata if ifc.description == "BTO"]
# how to access fields that are not legal Python identifiers
print [(,ifc['broadcast-suppression']) for ifc in ifcdata
if 'broadcast-suppression' in ifc]
# using names to index into a mapping with string interpolation
print ', '.join(["(%(name)s, '%(port)s')" % ifc for ifc in ifcdata ])
Prints out:
['interface', 'Ethernet0/22', ['stp', 'disable'], ['broadcast-suppression', '5'], ['mac-address', 'max-mac-count 1'], ['port', 'access vlan 452']]
- broadcast-suppression: 5
- mac-address: max-mac-count 1
- name: Ethernet0/22
- port: access vlan 452
- stp: disable
['interface', 'Ethernet0/23', ['stp', 'disable'], ['description', 'BTO'], ['broadcast-suppression', '5'], ['port', 'access vlan 2421']]
- broadcast-suppression: 5
- description: BTO
- name: Ethernet0/23
- port: access vlan 2421
- stp: disable
['interface', 'Ethernet0/24', ['stp', 'disable'], ['description', 'Avaya G700'], ['broadcast-suppression', '5'], ['port', 'access vlan 452']]
- broadcast-suppression: 5
- description: Avaya G700
- name: Ethernet0/24
- port: access vlan 452
- stp: disable
['interface', 'Ethernet0/25', ['stp', 'disable'], ['description', 'BTO'], ['broadcast-suppression', '5'], ['port', 'access vlan 2421']]
- broadcast-suppression: 5
- description: BTO
- name: Ethernet0/25
- port: access vlan 2421
- stp: disable
['Ethernet0/23', 'Ethernet0/25']
[('Ethernet0/22', '5'), ('Ethernet0/23', '5'), ('Ethernet0/24', '5'), ('Ethernet0/25', '5')]
(Ethernet0/22, 'access vlan 452'), (Ethernet0/23, 'access vlan 2421'), (Ethernet0/24, 'access vlan 452'), (Ethernet0/25, 'access vlan 2421')