A generic function is dispatched based on the type of all its arguments. The programmer defines several implementations of a function. The correct one is chosen at call time based on the types of its arguments. This is useful for object adaptation among other things. Python has a few generic functions including len()
These packages tend to allow code that looks like this:
def dumbexample(a):
return a * 2
def dumbexample(a):
return [("%s" % i) for i in a]
dumbexample(1) # calls first implementation
dumbexample([1,2,3]) # calls second implementation
A less dumb example I've been thinking about lately would be a web component that requires a User. Instead of requiring a particular web framework, the integrator would just need to write something like:
class WebComponentUserAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, guest):
self.guest = guest
def canDoSomething(self):
return guest.member_of("something_group")
return WebComponentUserAdapter(user)
Python has a few generic functions implementations. Why would I chose one over the others? How is that implementation being used in applications?
I'm familiar with Zope's zope.component.queryAdapter(object, ISomething)
. The programmer registers a callable adapter that takes a particular class of object as its argument and returns something compatible with the interface. It's a useful way to allow plugins. Unlike monkey patching, it works even if an object needs to adapt to multiple interfaces with the same method names.