I am using jQuery 1.3.2, and I'm trying to select some elements in an svg DOM element.
$('svg > defs > lineargradient')
However for some reason it does not select it, I know that I can access other items in the <svg> element since I have successfully retrieved an $("svg > rect").
My SVG DOM looks like this:
<svg width="975" height="385">
<lineargradient id="raphael-gradient-0" x1="1.000" y1="1.000" x2="0.000" y2="0.000">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#242b62"/><stop offset="9.090909090909092%" stop-color="#174a88"/>
<stop offset="18.181818181818183%" stop-color="#0e60a3"/><stop offset="27.272727272727273%" stop-color="#0b66ab"/>
<stop offset="36.36363636363637%" stop-color="#0870b7"/>
<lineargradient id="raphael-gradient-1" x1="1.000" y1="1.000" x2="0.000" y2="0.000">...</lineargradient>
<circle cx="50" cy="40" r="10" fill="#ff0000" stroke="#000" transform=""/>
<rect x="0" y="0" width="975" height="385" fill="url(#raphael-gradient-1)" stroke="none" transform="" style="opacity: 1;" opacity="1" fill-opacity="1"/>
Is there any reason why jQuery 1.3.2 wouldn't be able to select the <lineargradient> elements?