
Jquery bind several functions to one element

Strange, is there no possibility to put several binds in jquery, on one element? $('input').click(clickfn).click(clickfn) I am using 1.3.2 function clickme() { alert('click me') } $('.click', mod).bind("brrr", clickme).bind("brrr", clickme) .click(function() { $('.click', mod).trigger("brrr"); }); This is not worki...

waiting before do action use jquery

Hi everyone, I use jquery version 1.3.2, I want to use event "load" for load content of a page to "div". I used: $("#div1").load("page1.php"); ---> it worked. But i want before do event "load", it waiting about times. it same: $("#div1").load("page1.php",{after: 5}); please tell me how to do, thank you very much... ...

JQuery 1.3.2 vsdoc does not produce Visual Studio intellisense

In past i have worked with JQuery 1.2 vsdoc file which generates intellisense for vs2008 sp1. I have recently downloaded latest version of JQuery 1.3.2 and JQuery 1.3.2 vsdoc file. When i tried to get intellisense for jquery in vs2008 - I am getting following error- Warning 1 Error updating JScript IntelliSense: C:\Documents and Settin...

JQuery Add HTML and Event

Hi, I currently have the following in JQuery 1.3.2 for (i = 0; i < totalPages; i++) { var newDiv = $("<a href=\"#\">").append(i+1).click(function() { alert(i+1); }); $('#pageLinks').append(newDiv).append(" "); } This outputs a list of numbers as required, but the alert when clicking the generated element is return...

How do i run the .animate function in jQuery forever?

$(this).css("left","100px"); function endless(){ $(this).animate({ left:'-=100px', },{ easing: "linear", duration: 5000, complete: function() { $(this).css('left','100px'); endless(); } }); }; endless(); This is what I tried, but using this approach i can't get stuff moving. Im' ...

An accordion in jQuery 1.3.2 not working (was working in 1.3!)

Ok, so somewhere, something is wrong. When I was using version 1.3 the accordion was working fine. When I upgraded jQuery to version 1.3.2 it now no longer works as it's supposed to. I need the latest version because it is solving some errors that IE6 was throwing up... So here's the code, and what needs to change in order for it to wo...

jQuery with ASP.NET WebForms for a poor old server dev....

OK, being a server developer, this Javascript voodoo on the ASP.NET page (based on a master page) rendered on the client is a bit too much for me, it seems :-) I decided to try to use jQuery to handle some client-side enabling and disabling of UI elements. I have two radio buttons (rbnDoLimit and rbnDontLimit), and three checkboxes (mo...

How to resize a YouTube player, from thumbnail size to 'normal' size...

I guess this is similar to what Facebook does, but...I haven't worked out how to follow what they do and if this is a dupe, I apologise. The idea is to have a thumbnail-size player (width="220px" height="180px") that, when clicked, resizes to a 'normal' size (normal is arbitrary, of course, but for the sake of this example, if we go wit...

[jQuery] slideToggle and :visible

Hi, When using the sliderToggle method, the :visible expression never seems to return anything other than true. If I manually use show/ hide in conjunction with :visible expression it'll work just fine. Example of failure: jQuery(".fileNode .nodeExpander").click(function() { var notes = jQuery(this).parent().siblings(".fileNotes"...

jQuery doesn't select lineargradient object.

I am using jQuery 1.3.2, and I'm trying to select some elements in an svg DOM element. $('svg > defs > lineargradient') However for some reason it does not select it, I know that I can access other items in the <svg> element since I have successfully retrieved an $("svg > rect"). My SVG DOM looks like this: <svg width="975" height="...

Why am I getting a jQuery 'ui.element is undefined' error?

I have the following: $('#widgets ul').sortable( { connectWith: ['#widgets ul'], opacity: 0.7, start: function(e, ui) { fromWidgetPosition = ui.item.prevAll().length + 1; fromRowId = ui.element.attr('id'); I just upgraded jQuery from 1.2.6 to 1.3.2, and I also upgraded the jQuery UI library to the latest version. ...

Selector regression after upgrade to jQuery 1.3.2

I've recently upgraded an application from jQuery 1.2 to 1.3.2 - and we've found a rather strange regression. For some html approximately like this (simplified a bit) <div id="steps"> <div class="step"> <span>step #1</span> <div class="removeStep"> X </div> </div> <div class="step"> <span>step #2</span> <div class...

Jquery problems in IE8

Jquery runs fine in Safari and Firefox. In IE8 (using the Developer Tools), I get the error: "Could not get the position property. Invalid argument jquery-1.3.2.js, line 12 character 12949". Using debugging, the script highlights the characters {J[G]=K}. I have no idea what this does, but it seems to cause the problem! The result is whe...

Facebox - Jquery 1.2.1 close function broken in 1.3.2

I am using "facebox" which uses jQuery 1.2.1 on my website here http://www.pointclickshoot.com/beta2 The rest of my site is using jQuery-1.3.2.js. I need to update the following functions to work with jQuery 1.3.2: /* Bindings */ $(document).bind('close.facebox', function() { $(document).unbind('keydown.facebox') $('#faceb...

Select first sibling.

I'm trying to select the inner value of the first sibling - using jQuery - in an environment where I cannot alter the html markup. I have the following: <tr> <td>3</td> <td>bob</td> <td>smith</td> <td>[email protected]</td> <td> <img src="bobsmith.png" onclick="doSomething()" /> </td> </tr> I'm trying to...

Is it possible to Stop jqGrid row(s) from being selected and/or highlighted?

I've looked at the documentation but I've been unable to find an answer. Is there a way to prevent a row from being highlighted when selected? That or even a way to stop the row being selected at all. I like the "hoverrows: true" option, but ideally I would like to stop a row from being selected on-click. Thanks, Update: I've been...

Invalid procedure call or argument IE issue when iterating through document.styleSheets using $.each()

I've written this code that iterates over all global style sheet rules and stores them in an array/object. I use this dictionary-like object later to change global rules rather than setting styles on individual elements. Following code breaks in IE8 but works fine in Firefox3.7 and Chrome4. var allRules; $(function() { var fileRul...

IIS6 throws error for jquery.

Hi, on my master page, I have referenced jquery file. I am doing simple hover function. When mouse hover, I change the css and when hover out, change the css back to originial. Nothing fancy. but my page throws jquery error when I run in IIS6 on server 2003. When I run on IIS5.1 on local xp machine, it works perfectly fine. Any idea? I ...

jQuery core tabs script - multiple instances?

I have the following jQuery script on my site to switch tabs without reloading the page. I'm using jQuery core v1.3.2 (NOT jQuery UI) <!-- JS --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var tabify = function () { var id = $('#content > div').hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true').filter(window.location.hash ||...

Ruby on Rails: jQuery why is val not defined?

function replaceIfEmpty(fieldID, value){ alert($j('input#'+fieldID.val())); if ($j('input#'+fieldID).val() == ""){ $j('input#'+fieldID).val(value); } } there's my function, and this is in my controller: page << "replaceIfEmpty('object_name', '#{t.name}');" but when all this is invoked, an alert tells me: R...