I am trying to write an awk script to convert a CSV formatted spreadsheet into XML for Bugzilla bugs. The format of the input CSV is as follows (created from an XLS spreadsheet and saved as CSV):
The header column represents the name of the XML tag. The above file converted to XML should look as follows:
The awk script I have to accomplish this follows:
BEGIN {OFS = "\n"}
NR == 1 {for (i = 1; i <=NF; i++)
print "<bugzilla version=\"3.4.1\" urlbase=\"http://mozilla.com/\" maintainer=\"[email protected]\" exporter=\"[email protected]\">"}
NR != 1 {print " <bug>"
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
print " <" tag[i] ">" $i "</" tag[i] ">"
print " </bug>"}
END {print "</bugzilla>"}
The actual CSV file is:
cf_foo,cf_bar,short_desc,cf_zebra,cf_pizza,cf_dumpling ,assigned_to,bug_status,cf_word,cf_caslte
ABCD,A-BAR-0032,A NICE DESCRIPTION - help me,pretty,Pepperoni,,,NEW,,
The actual output is:
$ awk -f csvtobugs.awk bugs.csv
<bugzilla version="3.4.1" urlbase="http://mozilla.com/" maintainer="[email protected]" exporter="[email protected]">
Clearly, not the intended result (I admit, I copy-pasted this script from this forum: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/21404-csv-xml.html). The problem is that it's been SOOOOO long since I've looked at awk scripts and I have NO IDEA what the syntax means.