hi i have to writing an applet, in left side i must use an panel to contain a list of vehicles that can be a list of buttons,what is the problem, number of the vehicles are not given !!! so, i need to scrolling panel when number of vehicles is too much,
i do this for jframe, but it didn't work correct with panel, please help me with an example
the code i use to scrolling panel is :
public class VehicleList extends JPanel {
private ArrayList<VehicleReport> vehicles;
private ArrayList<JButton> v_buttons = new ArrayList<JButton>();
public void showList(ArrayList<Vehicles> vehicles)
this.vehicles = vehicles;
public JScrollPane getScrollpane()
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setPreferredSize(new DimensionUIResource(150, 300));
GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
GridBagConstraints constraint = new GridBagConstraints();
constraint.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
JLabel title = new JLabel("Vehiles list");
constraint.gridwidth = 2;
constraint.gridx = 0;
constraint.gridy = 0;
constraint.ipady = 230;
gridbag.setConstraints(title, constraint);
// end of set title
constraint.gridwidth = 1;
int i=1;
for(JButton jb : v_buttons )
constraint.gridx =0;
constraint.gridy = i;
gridbag.setConstraints(jb, constraint);
JLabel vehicle_lable = new JLabel("car" + i);
constraint.gridx = 1;
constraint.gridy = i;
gridbag.setConstraints(vehicle_lable, constraint);
JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(panel);
return jsp;
in jaframe after add jscrollpane to jframe i place this
setSize(250, 250);
setLocation(100, 300);
and it work clearly!!!!